*ÇкΰúÁ¤Faculty of ArtsCertificate programs Certificate in Community Welfare and Development (CCWD) - CertCWD Certificate in Corporate Communication (CCCM) - CertCorpCom Certificate in Music Teaching (CMUS) - CertMusT Certificate in Public Relations (CPRL) - CertPR Certificate in Theatre Production (CTHP) - CertThProd Diploma programs Diploma of Arts (DART) - DipArts Diploma in Community Welfare and Development (DCWD) - DipCWD Diploma in Music Teaching (DMUS) - DipMusT Associate degree programs Associate Degree in Music (ADMU) - AssocDegMus Bachelor programs Bachelor of Arts (BART) - BA Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling) (BHUS) - BHSC Bachelor of International Studies (BIST) - BIntStud Bachelor of Mass Communication (BMCM) - BMassCom Bachelor of Multimedia (BAMM) - BMultiMed Bachelor of Multimedia Studies (BMMS) - BMMStud Bachelor of Music (BMUS) - BMus Bachelor of Theatre Arts (BTHR) - BThA Bachelor of Visual Arts (BVAR) - BVA Honours programs Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BAHN) - BA(Hons) Bachelor of Music (Honours) (BMUH) - BMus(Hons) Bachelor of Theatre Arts (Honours) (BTAH) - BThA(Hons) Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours) (BVAH) - BVA(Hons) Graduate certificate programs Graduate Certificate in Corporate Communication (GCCC) - GradCertCorpCom Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing (GCEP) - GradCertEdPub Graduate Certificate in Professional Communication (GCPF) - GradCertProfComm Graduate Certificate in Public Relations (GCPR) - GradCertPR Postgraduate Certificate in International Communication (PCIN) - PostGradCertInterComm Graduate diploma programs Graduate Diploma of Arts Management (GDAM) - GradDipArtsMgt Graduate Diploma of Editing and Publishing (GDEP) - GradDipEd&Pub Graduate Diploma of Journalism (GDJN) - GradDipJnl Graduate Diploma of Professional Communication (GDCM) - GradDipProfComm Postgraduate Diploma in Instrumental Teaching (PDIM) - PGradDipInstTeach Postgraduate Diploma of International Communication (PDIN) - PGradDipInterComm Masters programs Master of Arts (English Studies) (8 units) (MEL1) - MA(ES) Master of Editing and